The theme was anything Harry Potter Christmas. So, I made two more tree ornaments -- since ornaments are so much fun! I scoured through all seven movies (DH2 took place after Christmas, remember?) to find images I could work with. Originally, I thought about doing one for each year, but as it was, doing only 2 ornaments was plenty of work. I went with first and last: one from HP and the Sorcerer's Stone (Harry's first C'mas at Hogwarts, and the first in his life when he actually received real presents) to HP and the Deathly Hallows, part 1. That's where Harry and Hermione visited his parents' grave on C'mas Eve.

The first ornament shows Harry trying on his new Invisibility Cloak, and saying, "My body's gone!" as only his head still shows. There was an unsigned note with the gift, so I included that under Harry's head. It says, "Your father left this in my possession before he died. It is time it was returned to you. Use it Well."
The second ornament I made was the Wreath of Christmas Roses, which Hermione conjured to lay upon the grave of James and Lily Potter, in the graveyard at Godric's Hollow. It's not a precise replica, but gives a good idea. The wreath in the movie is lovely, but rather dark in every photo I could get of it.

So, that is the extent of my holiday ornies for now. I am currently working on a House Elf, and it's a commissioned work! My first one for sculpting!!! It's just a head, like the ones I did last summer as gifts for friends, but one of those friends wants to give one as a Christmas Gift to someone she knows! Hence, the commission! :)
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