Friday, November 7, 2008


Just moving in here... but if anyone is reading this, please let me welcome you to my humble abode ... ablog ... blogode .... well, you get the idea.

The furnishings are a bit sparse, but there will be more coming in soon. Hope I can get my big stuff through the door! I may have to get some helpful movers to make it happen. Anyway, my Art doll, "Swiff", who was inspired by a meditation faery guide, joins me in welcoming you.

So... pull up a... uh, crate... and sit down awhile. I can serve you instant coffee or a cup of tea-- i have some herbal teas too! And I have a few mugs and spoons unpacked! Don't ask for milk, it will have to be non-dairy. The fridge was just plugged in and hasn't gotten cold yet, so I can't put perishables in it yet. Likewise, I can offer only some boxed cookies for your pleasure.... for now. But it's a start, and it's really the good company that brings you here, right? Swiff and I surely welcome your company!

How about a lemon drop to put in your tea? Or a hard candy mint to sweeten your herbal tea?Soon there will be others joining us! I had better open another box of cookies and put more water on the boil. They won't all be human, though.... after all, these are Faeriations!



Unknown said...

Hi Sweet heart your new digs are just perfect ... now lets get some of that art work posted.
Luv ya Goofy

Sprite said...

Hi Janet! I'm so happy to see you have yourself a blog :) The blogging world is in for a real treat with your creations. Congrats!

Now I'll just have to pester you to update it :D ha ha

Luv ya! Sprite